
Showing posts from July, 2021

Detox Kahwa Green Tea Benefits - Vedic Essence

In current times, busy in our lives, we don’t even want to know the level of toxins surrounding us. To give an example there is no regulatory for testing day to day consumables like fruits and vegetables. So, to make sure we get rid of toxins, it becomes necessary to implement healthy lifestyles and dietary behaviors in our day to day lives. Right from doing exercises in routine manner, we need to look at the ways to detox ourselves which is very much doable by making minor changes in the lifestyle. We are going to talk about the easiest way to detoxify ourselves which is to just replace the regular tea with the   Detox Green Tea   or consume at least one cup of   Detox Kahwa Green Tea   once a day. Whether it’s a new year party or a weekend hangover, just give it a try to the  Vedic Essence Detox Kahwa Green Tea  once in the very next morning. Carrying the detoxifying benefits, it will help you in getting rid of the toxins, and the savory taste will certainly make you fall in love wit

Green Tea Boosts Immunity! How?

  Millenia ago Green Tea was discovered and that too while pouring the fresh leaves in Hot water. With that moment the tea era began. We Indians as a traditional people have believed that  Green Tea boosts the immune system . So how precisely this immune system is hiked up! Well, the secret behind is the antioxidant properties which helps in fighting various diseases. There is research which states that the antioxidant in the Green Tea protects the cells from the toxins or say free radicals. Green Tea is also believed to have antimicrobial properties as well. Antioxidant levels are in good quantity if the leaves are plucked fresh so we at Vedic Essence definitely made sure of this important quality to be in our Green Tea’s. Healthy benefits of Green Tea continue as to add on a few are “its preventive role in Heart Diseases and reducing the inflammation”. With immense benefits of Green Tea one can definitely replace other unwanted beverages in our day-to-day lifestyle which is one anoth